190-Pound Mastiff Dog Ran Out Of Steam – He Had To Be Rescued From A Mountain

Dog had to be rescued from mountain (Video)

Look, hiking a few miles up a mountain is hard. If you’re a 190-pound dog named Floyd, who may not be in the best shape of his life, it’s a bit too much. One of the worst things that can happen on the hike to a mountain top is not being able to walk back down on your own. The 3-year-old mastiff was hiking with his human up the Grandeur Peak trail in Salt Lake County, Utah and got so worn out he couldn’t make it back to the car. About five concerned hikers passed by the pup and his owner, who were stopped on the trail for hours, and called 911 once they got back to cell reception.

Salt Lake County Search and Rescue were dispatched to rescue Floyd and quickly sprang to action to make sure the doggo got off the mountain before it got too dark and too cold, said Todd Taylor. The rescue took about 4 hours. The nonprofit, all-volunteer crew does about 50 rescues a year, Taylor, 49, said. The team often deals with dehydrated and hurt people, but on rare occasions, they rush to save exhausted pets too. “This was an interesting rescue because of the size of Floyd,” Taylor said. “We knew we had a big dog, a 190-pounder, and we treated it like a normal rescue for a person.”

The rescue required some strategizing

Ten rescuers on two teams arrived armed with helmets, ropes, radios, and a litter — a piece of equipment used to carry people — to rescue Floyd. Luckily, the rescue team was available to lend him a hand, or as many as he needed. The group of 10 men arrived, packaged the dog in a litter and carried him down. Floyd handled the entire situation like a champ and was the best of boys. “We were prepared to have to strap him down, but he was very well-behaved,” While the dog’s weight is similar to an average person’s, his rescue operation was treated just like a human’s. Watch the video of Floyd’s rescue, showing the exhausted dog curled up on a red blanket as responders carefully carried him down the trail in the dark.

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