Puppy Runs After Car Hoping To Be Rescued — A Woman Pulls Over And Changes His Life

The puppy started running after her car (Video)

There are so many stray dogs on the streets, fending for themselves and hoping that someone will come along and rescue them. But one determined little dog didn’t wait! Valia Orfanidou was driving down a country road in rural Greece when a small black and white puppy jumped out of the bushes and started running behind her car. He refused to give up!

Valia is passionate about helping stray animals. She rescuers and fosters stray dogs, who are sadly common in her home country. Watching him in the rearview mirror, Orfanidou could tell the little dog was intent on following her. “My thoughts were, ‘Oh no, another one,’” said Orfanidou. “Greece has about 3 to 5 million stray dogs. The streets here are like an open-admission shelter — anyone who doesn’t want their dog anymore dumps him on the streets, there is no other option.” She knew she couldn’t leave the defenseless shepherd mix out in the middle of nowhere, so she stopped her car and tried to coax him inside. Valia pulled over, and the pup then hid under her vehicle, as if to stop her from driving off again.

She knew she had to help the dog, knowing no one else would

She was impressed with the little dog’s determination.“When I stopped, he hid under the wheels of the car,” Orfanidou said. “Every time I approached he would hide, and when I moved back a few steps he’d come out of hiding and bark at me as if he was trying to say something. Pretty clever move, he basically rescued himself, this one.” said Valia. After about 10 minutes of playing hide-and-seek with the puppy, she was able to grab him and place him in the backseat of the car, where he started wagging his tail happily. Orfanidou brought him to a veterinarian for a checkup, and though the puppy had been surviving on whatever food he could find on the streets, he was surprisingly healthy. Watch the moment the stray puppy chased the woman’s car and how he lives now. He now had only happy, healthy days ahead.

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