After 3 Years, She Travels 600 Miles To Reunite With Stolen Dog – Heartwarming Reunion

The reunion was a very touching one

Losing your pet is one of the worst experiences that can befall a dog owner. If that happens, dog owners will do whatever they can in order to get them back. A woman, who goes by the name of Mariah Mayflower, had been on vacation when her house was broken into and Hannibal the pooch was stolen. Mariah launched a huge social media appeal, and even appeared on television in a bid to try and track Hannibal down, but sadly, nothing materialized and the trail went cold. Now Mariah tells people to microchip their pets to try and avoid heartache like this in the future.

‘I was 16 when I got him and he was three years old when he got stolen. At the time I did not know about microchipping, he was my first ever dog and he will definitely be getting microchipped now. I don’t think it would have avoided him getting stolen, but I definitely think it would have brought him back to me sooner and I definitely think everybody should get their dogs microchipped.’ Mariah said. So it wasn’t until two and a half years later, when Mariah had moved 600 miles away to Tennessee, that she got a call from a friend back home saying there was a dog that looked very similar to Hannibal listed on a fostering website. So, Mariah set off on the 600 mile journey, hoping to be reunited with her four-legged baby, and much to her joy – it was him!

She set off on the 600 mile journey

‘It’s been a long road without you, but I’m so happy you’re home,’ she wrote alongside the video, calling it a ‘Christmas miracle.’ But recently reunited with his family after so long he was found with a mass on his neck. He needs surgery to get it removed and biopsied to make sure it isn’t serious. We do love a happy ending. Here’s to wishing Hannibal speedy recovery. Despite the years that had gone by, the dog was very happy to see his owner. The reunion of Mariah and Hannibal was a very touching one. The two of them were so happy to see one another and the dog could not stop wagging his tail as she embraced him.Watch the video, you can see Hannibal visibly instantly recognised his human, as his tail began uncontrollably wagging and he leapt all over Mariah.

Mariah shared the beautiful reunion, writing that it had been a long journey for the two of them, but she was beyond happy to have him back. She described it as a “Christmas miracle.”


It’s been a long road without you, but I’m so happy you’re home ❤️ #chrismasmerical #missing #dog #reunited #fourleggedlove #furbaby #fureverbestfrien

♬ Lean on Me – Graham Blvd


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