Teen Pushes Huge Bear Off A Wall To Protect Her Dogs – Heroic Rescue

Teen pushes huge bear (Video)

At first, the scene was almost serene. A brown bear and two of her cubs were carefully walking along a brick wall that ran along the edge of the property. The baby cubs hurried along, following their mother and under her belly where they knew they would be safe. Then, the dogs in the yard started barking, and the cubs fled back into the shade of the tree they had just come from.

A security camera above their house caught the entire thing. The mama bear stayed on the wall, viciously swatting at one of the larger dogs as they came near. The larger dog avoided her swats and backed away. The family’s smaller dogs started circling and barking as well. The mama bear was already in attack mode. Hailey had been alerted by all the barking. She went to see what was going on. That’s when she saw her pet being lifted up off the ground by the claws of the brown bear. She went right up to that mama bear, facing the claws and teeth, and pushed the bear in her chest until she fell back and slide down the other side of the wall.

A fast rescue

As the bear was still falling, Hailey was rounding up the dogs, picking up one of the smaller ones, and hurrying them all back inside. The bear was already climbing back up the wall as Hailey and the dogs ran back inside. Thankfully, by that point, the bear’s focus was back on her cubs. She climbed into the tree to get them, leaving Hailey and the dogs alone. It all happened so quickly, and then it was over. Hailey’s family had mixed emotions. They were proud of her for being so brave, but they were also scared for her and told her to never ever do that again. Watch the video, it was an understandable reaction to seeing the scene!

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