Toddler Attempts to Feed Giraffe But Ends Up Hanging in the Air – Terrific Moment

Be careful, the next time your kid tries to feed giraffe at the zoo (Video)

This parents saved the day after quickly rescuing their little boy from a giraffe. Since the post was shared, it has gathered over a million views and has quickly gone viral on social media platforms, with most viewers praising both adults for their quick action. According to reports, neither the boy nor the giraffe suffered any harm.

The little boy was seen offering a green leaf to the giraffe. The animal grabbed the leaf in his mouth but also picked the boy. Scared and panicked, the parents quickly urged to hold the little boy while they tried to get him to safety on the ground. The animal’s height is not clear, but it appears the boy was lifted six feet above ground in a moment that many described as terrifying. 

The little boy was lifted six feet above ground

Giraffes are known for their incredible height and can reach 18 feet. It remains unclear when the event took place, but it has not stopped gathering multiple views. Although some users described the moment as terrific, others found the funny side of it, pointing out that giraffes are herbivores. Austin remarked that the moment was simply emotional and lovely to watch.

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