Man Uses Baby Alligator To Defend Himself During a Brawl – Lifeguard Had to Act Quickly

Lifeguard had to act quickly (Video)

A beach brawl took a bizarre turn over the weekend on Macumba Beach in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. In what might be the strangest physical altercation of the year, the video shows how the man, after being forced to the ground, picks up the baby caiman and wields it as if it were a weapon while brawling with another man. The two men were fighting for the reptile!

The man was in a fight with another beachgoer when he tried to use a caiman to attack his adversary. The parties were eventually separated by a lifeguard and what led up to this moment is unclear, nor is it immediately clear why there was a crocodile there to begin with. Caimans are members of the crocodile (Crocodilia) order and shared the Alligator (Alligatoridae) family with the American Alligator found all throughout the southeastern United States. We don’t have Caimans in the USA but they often look familiar because they can be so similar in appearance to alligators.

Lifeguard trying to separate the pair

Now, imagine for one second you’re at the beach and look up to see two guys fighting and one of them picks up an Caiman and uses it as a weapon. The caiman was later captured by firefighters who set it free in the city’s municipal park. Watch the video, the scene is surreal and shameful.

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