Family Throws Surprise Birthday Party For Their Dog – Priceless Reaction

They turned off the lights and all leapt up and yelled, “Surprise!” (Video)

It’s not a birthday without the whole family getting together to celebrate. We all have wonderful memories of birthdays spent with our nearest and dearest – and amongst those are our pets. They’re family too. As Fred’s first birthday approached, his family knew they wanted to do something extra special to celebrate. They decided to throw him a birthday party — and chose to have it be a surprise.

While Fred was playing outside one night, his family and friends went about setting up for the party. When it was time for Fred to come back inside, they turned off the lights and crouched down real low, and when Fred came through the door, they all leapt up and yelled, “Surprise!” As soon as all of the yelling and excitement began, Fred was absolutely over the moon. He leapt around with a great, big smile on his face, so excited to party and celebrate with the people he loves.

The dog was over the moon

“He had no idea! Gotcha!” one of Fred’s family members yelled in a video about the party. Fred sat on his birthday throne, leaning into his mom for a hug while his family sang happy birthday and presented him with his very own pup cake, which he absolutely loved. There were signs and balloons, and the group took so many pictures to commemorate the end of Fred’s very first year on Earth. The family not only presented him with gifts and a special cake with candles for his big day, but they also sang him happy birthday. They love Fred so much and wanted him to know that, and after all of the celebrating, there’s no doubt that the message was definitely received. Watch the video, Fred’s surprise birthday party with his family has gone viral.

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