Dog Obsessed With Door Stoppers Gets The Best Present Ever – Hilarious Reaction

Dog’s parents presented her with her very special gift (Video)

Ever since Farley joined her family, she’s been a big ball of energy, and her parents are always waiting to see what kinds of adventures she’ll get into next. “She’s an Australian shepherd, which tends to be a very high-energy breed, but Farley has a great off switch, which we appreciate,” said Victoria Stuart, Farley’s mom. Puppies are notorious for finding fun in the silliest of things. When Farley was a tiny puppy, she discovered a door stopper for the first time and immediately loved how bouncy and fun it was.

She had a blast playing with it — and quickly decided to make it her new favorite toy. Who knew that doorstops could provide hours of entertainment? Farley started playing with the door stopper all the time and didn’t take kindly to anyone who tried to direct her attention to other toys. The door stopper will always be her favorite, and no one is going to change her mind about that. “At one point, she was so enamored with the door stopper that I had to take it away, and her response was hilarious,” Stuart said. Farley’s parents started posting videos of her playing with the door stopper — which led to the best idea ever. “Someone commented on that video, saying, ‘You should make a board with a bunch of different door stoppers attached to it,’ and that’s where I got the idea for her Christmas present,” Stuart said.

A board with a bunch of different door stoppers attached to it

“I ran the idea by Todd, and he took it from there. He came up with the idea to make it into a toy bin, found a wooden planter box online to use as the base, drew up the plans, painted and clear-coated it and assembled it with all 25 door stoppers.” On Christmas morning, Farley’s parents presented her with her very special gift. At first, she didn’t quite get it — but as soon as she did, she was absolutely thrilled. “Once we showed her what it was, she flipped out,” Stuart said. Farley loves her new door stopper toy so much and plays with it several times a day. Some people might think her obsession with door stoppers is weird, but luckily, her family gets it and was more than happy to make all of Farley’s door stopper dreams come true. Watch the video, door stoppers are her favorite thing in the world, and having so many of them all in one place makes Farley so incredibly happy.

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