This Dog Beat Cancer And Got a Surprise He’ll Never Forget – Just Wait Til The Box Opens

The surprise he’ll never forget! (Video)

All dogs should be treated like this, no matter the breed. Wallace the Pit Bull is an amazing dog who, at the time this video was shot, had beat all the odds. After a diagnosis with hemangiosarcoma, a rapid-forming cancer typically found in dogs, Wallace was given two-to-three months to live without chemo — but his pet parent, knew he was a fighter.

In this fantastic video he’s seen celebrating his 11th birthday in style, 7 months post diagnosis and chemo free! Most dogs who receive the same diagnosis as Wallace do not make it to see their next birthday. Wallace is living proof that you do not have to lay down and accept your circumstances without a fight.

He’s so happy and excited that it instantly made me tear up!

To make sure his day was extra special, Dad gives him the most incredible birthday celebration, full of treats, toys, and goodies. When he opened the big, beautifully-wrapped box, Wallace was so happy and excited about his presents that it instantly made me tear up. I don’t think it’s possible to watch this special day without crying tears of joy for Wallace and his family. Watch the video, you will be happy to find out what’s inside the box!

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