Railway Worker Rescued Scared Dog From Tracks As Train Approached

His quick-thinking certainly saved this dog’s life

Paul Hawthorn, 56, from Luton, southeast England, went viral on Social Media after he saved a young female dog, a Staffordshire bull terrier, at Leagrave station. In the video, which has been watched 1.7 million times, a witness said a train was coming while the young pooch could be seen frantically running around on the tracks. Paul explained: “I was in the booking hall and someone told me a dog had come into the station and was running around on the London-bound platform” said Paul. “I ran down and a woman passenger had got hold of the dog – it was a young female Staffordshire Bull Terrier with no collar. She was getting the next train so I held on to it until the train had come in and then left but it was young and very excitable and it managed to wriggle free.

Then my worst fear was realised as it jumped down on the tracks! I was thinking ‘What should I do?’ and then my training kicked in. I rang the signalman to caution the trains, getting them to slow down ready to stop if necessary. I’m not allowed to go down on the track but the guy from the coffee kiosk on the platform there had some croissant and enticed the dog over to the platform edge. It couldn’t jump back up but as it put its paws up to get the croissant I managed to grab it and haul it up on to the platform. I couldn’t let go – it would have wriggled free again – so I just held on and two people came along and hauled me up to my feet.”

The dog jumped down on the tracks

Paul took the dog into the safety of the staff mess room. Luckily there was a happy ending for the dog – as a post was spotted about the escaped pet on social media. Two hours later the owners were tracked down, and were reunited with their pet. While he was waiting, Paul played with the dog and took it for its morning ‘business’ in the car park by using his trouser belt as a collar and lead! Paul, who works as a ticket gateline assistant, said: “The lady owner was crying, she was so grateful. Apparently a garage door had been left open and the dog had escaped. Watch the video, this man was a real hero. The railway tracks are a dangerous place and his quick-thinking certainly saved this dog’s life.

“It was quite traumatic at the time. I don’t own a dog but we help people out by dog sitting and I just felt sorry for the dog – I thought oh my God, it’s going to get run over by a train. It worked out all right in the end – it was a relief. It was a lovely dog.” said our Hero.

@getinthebarth People dump dogs at stations like this all the time 💔 for every evil person there is a kind hearted one #hero #doglove #rescue ♬ Arcade – Duncan Laurence

Source: www.tiktok.com

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