Horse Approaches Child With Rare Disease – His Reaction is Priceless

This is a special moment (Video)

Anyone who rides horses already knows how amazing these animals are. Horses seem to have an intuitive sense of what we need, and their presence can calm, reassure, and comfort us. They often appear to understand what even we don’t know – sometimes it’s like they’re reading our minds. This beautiful first encounter between a child and horse will definitely warm your heart. Erez is a young boy from Israel who suffers from Williams syndrome. Individuals with the disorder are extremely friendly and have high empathy for others, but also suffer from developmental delays which lead to social issues.

It is often said animals share a unique connection with people with learning disabilities. And this horse certainly seems to understand the vulnerabilities of this young child when the two are placed together in a paddock. The two seem wary of each other when they initially meet, but within moments, the horse seems to understand the need to be gentle with the young boy. The heartwarming video shows the steed carefully approaching the boy and ducking its head to bring itself down to his level.

A heartwarming encounter!

Equine therapy is becoming a popular way to treat children with learning difficulties and even autism. Experts claim horses display high levels of emotional intelligence, responding to the emotional issues people bring to sessions. Several viewers commented how they were blown away by the emotional intelligence of the animal. In this instance you’ll see an incredible bond form between Erez and the young horse. Watch the video, this moment has touched millions of people around the world since it was posted, and it’s not hard to understand why!

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