Dog Goes Nuts When He Sees Who’s Hiding Under The Blanket After 11 Months Apart

The dog totally freaks out (Video)

When we go away, we miss our pets so much. It’s no wonder we can even enjoy ourselves without them by our side! The same goes for them. You totally know what I mean, you leave the house just to get the mail and when you return, your dog greets you like it’s been hours. Imagine being gone longer… like on active duty, for a tour in Afghanistan or Iraq.

The moments turn into days, which turn into weeks and so on. If being at the mailbox is too long to be away from them, then what does 11 months feel like? It can be overwhelming to be away from your loved ones for a prolonged period of time. While people tend to get fairly emotional during long-awaited reunions, animals often react to seeing an old pal in more interesting ways. When reuniting with his pup, this soldier thought it would be best to play a game so he could surprise him even more! The outcome is just too sweet for words.

The dog is overwhelmed with excitement

This dog is overwhelmed with excitement when he discovers his owner hiding under a blanket. The soldier had been deployed for a total of 11 months. Hey dad, is that you? Are you under there? This soldier came home and hid under the sheets to surprise his doggy best friend. Now watch as mom unleashes the dog. The whole video plays out in the cutest way possible and reminds us all that our dogs would be glued to us if they had it their way.

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