Security Camera Catches Man Doing Something Totally Unexpected For A Cold Stray Dog

A lesson in humanity (Video)

This lonely stray dog, shivering on a snowy winter day in Turkey, may have thought she didn’t have a friend in the world — but then along came a stranger who let her know there are still people who care. After a recent theft, a resident from the city of Giresun was reviewing security camera footage when another scene entirely rose to the forefront.

Turns out, the camera had captured a mysterious man approaching one of the city’s many homeless pups before doing something totally unexpected. He gave the dog some food and the jacket off his back. The video of that random act of kindness spread quickly across internet, until the Good Samaritan responsible was identified. The man in the video is Bülent Kalpakçıoğlu, a municipal worker in Giresun.

An act of compassion

He said, humbly, that the act of compassion was the least that he could do to help another being. “If I did not give my jacket, it would have eaten at my conscience,” said Kalpakçıoğlu. “While we are sitting warm at home, they are outside in the cold.” For his exemplary service, Kalpakçıoğlu was recently awarded a special certificate by Giresun mayor Kerim Aksu. With this action, he gave a lesson in humanity, Aksu said during his remarks, adding: “Animals are our friends. We love people, we love our city, we love all living things that are an integral part of us and our city.” Watch the video, his act of kindness will inspire you!

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