This Dog Farts So Loud That He Wakes Up Scared – Hilarious Reaction

He farts so loud (Video)

Dogs are so easily amused, but if you think about it, we’re pretty easily amused by them too. We all have that one relative who farts and then blames the dog, or an elephant, or another person – right? But, gas (also known as farts or flatulence) is a natural thing. Everyone farts at least once their lifetime. The key is how you handle it. Some people can be discreet about it, other people are willing to let it rip and laugh about it!

When you see a puppy, you perceive it as just a cute little fur ball. Even if we see them from miles away, we’ll most likely speed walk to touch them, as if they’re magic. After all, they kind of are, right? They have the power to make us happy and want to cuddle, or make us take them home right away. I guess that’s their little superpower. Apparently, this puppy has another superpower… or super force, you might say.

Try not to burst out laughing!

His owner records the pup as he sleeps, and you clearly know the dad’s obsessed with his pooch. However, the video is not just an admiration of his dog’s beauty. He seems to know his pet very well, and he’s just waiting for the main act to begin. The little puppy in this video has gas. He is also napping, dreaming, and yipping. You can see his little feet twitching as if he is running. Everything is peaceful and cute until the fart! When the huge fart comes out, he is scared awake and looks around, so confused at what just happened! Now try not to burst out laughing watching the reaction of the dog! But it’s impossible not to laugh at this video!

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