Mom Caught Her Baby Talking To The Dog, And Couldn’t Believe Their CONVERSATION!

She couldn’t believe their conversation! (Video)

You want to know what never fails to warm my heart? Watching babies and toddlers interact with the family’s dog or cat. So what do you get when you combine a very talkative baby and a very talkative dog? You get the best conversation ever, even if no one knows what’s actually being said! The funniest part is that it really seems like these two are having a conversation, isn’t that wild? Huskies love to howl, and no one knows that more than this adorable baby! When dogs howl and bark like this, it always makes me wonder if they are actually trying to speak. Do different barks mean different things? Do they get frustrated with us when we don’t seem to understand?

This husky definitely wants to get some kind of point across – I just wish I knew what! But this Husky talking to the baby made my day! It’s no secret that Huskies like to talk. However, I think this may be the most intelligent and profound conversation I’ve yet to hear between a Husky and a human! Mom started to record when she saw her eleven month old, Lexi, and her dog, Angel, start to argue with each other. In this video, it really looks like Angel is disagreeing with what little Lexi was saying. That must be the reason why she was not letting Lexi complete whatever she was saying, but Lexi doesn’t care and just continues presenting her side of the story.

Can anyone translate what they say?

Well, even if not necessarily deep and profound, it’s certainly adorable. That little baby certainly loves his Husky! They are so cute together. I get the sense that these two cold sit here and talk to one another for hours. They are endlessly entertained by one another’s voices. I wonder why Huskies, in particular, are such incredibly vocal dogs? I guess it is the wolf in them, which seems to be more prevalent than in other dog breeds. If you’re having a bad day, watch the video, this is the perfect remedy; it’ll be sure to put a smile on your face! You don’t want to miss this moment!

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