Rescue Team Saves Dog And Newborn Puppies Dumped On The Street – Heartwarming Rescue

Rescue of a mother dog and her puppies (Video)

All dogs deserve a chance, and this story left me speechless. So many miracles, all wrapped up in one! When the heroic rescuers came to the scene, they realized it wasn’t just an adult Pit Bull who needed rescuing — but her and her newborn puppies were all in need of a forever home. When a stray Pit bull gave birth in a homeowner’s yard, the always incredible Hope For Paws arrived at the scene, ready to make another incredible rescueHope For Paws is a non-profit organization doing tremendous work by rescuing dogs and other animals in danger. Over the years, the team grew from its two founders (Audrey and Eldad Hagar) to an impressive group of people willing to dedicate themselves to rescuing animals.

The work they do is tremendous, and is not lost on anyone watching their amazing rescue videos. You’d think a dog who has been ignored by the world would have a negative reaction to a stranger’s touch — but it was just the opposite. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. All this dog needed was someone to take a chance and reach out to her, and the rest was happy history. All but one puppy made it (sadly, one of the newborns died), and off the new family went to be rehabilitated by these wonderful heroes… but the fight wasn’t over yet!!

She was in a lot of discomfort and pain!

After naming Mama Lexus  and the four babies Beamer, Prius, Mercedes and Cooper, it seemed she was in a lot of discomfort and pain. She wasn’t out of danger yet. While examining her, an x-ray discovered something wrong. She eaten something strange that it was irritating her stomach., and it needed to come out. They didn’t want to perform surgery on a nursing mother, so they decided to induce vomit! Watch the video to see how it all played out!

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