Clever Dog Won’t Be Tricked Into Taking His Medicin – His Reaction Is HILARIOUS!

Dog Won’t Be Tricked!

One of the struggles of having a dog is when they get sick. We love our dogs so much, it breaks our hearts to see them in pain. So no matter what the cost, we give them the necessary medications and the best care to alleviate the pain and cure whatever illness they have. As any parent will tell you, it’s sometimes a challenge to get kids to take their medicine. It’s no different with pet parents, as Anuko the Husky’s mom, Jasmine Milton, recently found out when she tried to give him his medicine.

But in giving medications, we get to deal with another kind of struggle. The struggle of successfully administering the medication to our stubborn dogs. Needles hurt and medicines taste awful! So we think of clever and creative ways to trick them in to taking their meds; like hiding the capsules in their favorite food! Anuko is a highly intelligent husky who knows if his mom is up to something. So when she tries to give him a pink pill wrapped in a delicious meat, he’s immediately suspicious.

Stubborn and very smart!

He cleverly figures out how to eat the treat, but spit out the pill. I couldn’t stop laughing as I watched Anuko thwart his mom’s every attempt. I’m sure it’s a familiar sight to other dog owners out there. Jasmine did eventually get him to take is pills after several failed attempts. For those wondering, Anuko fell ill with suspected bacterial colitis and on the mend and doing much better now. Watch the video, his tactic is hilarious!

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