Stray Dog Lived In A Shoebox, When Rescuers Lift Her Up They Immediately See Why!

When rescuers lift her up! (Video)

We wish that all animals could have forever homes. But sadly, many animals remain homeless, living on the streets, in the woods or anywhere else where they can find shelter and food. Animal lovers and rescuers continually find animals in predicaments requiring human intervention to save them. Animals living on the streets find themselves in some of the most unusual circumstances as they fight to survive. The Chihuahua mix in this story was found in an unbelievably terrible predicament. She was so desperate for a home that she moved into a dampened shoe box she found alongside a house. The residents soon noticed the dog and decided to take care of her.

They fed her daily and checked on her regularly. Hope for Paws, a rescue organization in Los Angeles, received a text message about Princess, saying that she’d been living in front of someone’s house for weeks and no one knew who she belonged to. Rescuers immediately went to check it out, and found poor Princess sleeping on a shoebox in the rain, just waiting for someone to help her. Princess watched her rescuers with wide eyes as they slowly approached her and placed a leash around her but she didn’t bark or try to run away. Princess was clearly scared, and also seemed a little defeated, like she knew she wasn’t going to make it without a little help.

She was very sick!

The rescuers spoke to the homeowner, who said Princess had been sleeping on the shoebox for around two weeks, and that he’d been feeding her ever since. As they gently lifted her up, they noticed that one of her legs was missing entirely but they are unsure of how it happened. Rescuers quickly took Princess into their car and wrapped her up in a blanket to help her get warm and dry. They then rushed her off to the vet, where she was cleaned up and given a warm place to rest for the first time in months. It turns out that Princess was very sick from severe anemia, and needed immediate attention and care. If her rescuers hadn’t found her when they did, she might not have made it. Watch the Princess’s full rescue video, they save her from a stray dog’s life… her transformation is just amazing! 

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