Dog Groomer Opens Shop In Middle Of Night To Save This Dog – She Will Be Surprised

She will be surprised (Video)

A couple was driving late one night near Oviedo, Florida, when they noticed an abandoned dog on the side of the road. His fur was severely matted, he was barely responsive, and had clearly been neglected for most of the 4 years he had been alive. Unable to keep him overnight, the couple put out a desperate message on social media – a plea which was answered by groomer Kari Falla. She owns and operates BGE Grooming, a salon for pets. When she’s not servicing her clients’ dogs, Falla donates her time giving rescue animals some much-needed makeovers as a way of helping them attract potential adopters. So, when she read on Facebook that a Good Samaritan had found and saved a dog from the road a short time earlier in that deplorable condition, Falla knew she had to help — even though that meant returning to work in the middle of the night.

“When a dog is matted that badly, it can cause its blood flow to stop as well as bruising to the dog. I contacted the finder of the dog and I told them to meet me at my salon at midnight that very night and I would groom him for free. I knew it was bad, but nothing prepared me for what I saw. He smelled like death and the dog could not walk. His whole body was like a mummified cast. It was seriously the most disturbing situation I’ve ever seen in my life.  He was infested with fleas. He had a very long leash that looked like an outside leash embedded in his skin from the mats. He made me cry.” said Falla.

Over the next three hours!

Falla carefully began freeing the dog from his matted prison. Slowly but surely, the dog’s true self began to reemerge. “Once I shaved him, he was wagging his tail and was so happy. I knew I did the right thing” said FallaAfter his makeover, he was given what may have been the very first bath of his life. She managed to fully shave and bathe him. It was 3 a.m. by the time the grooming was complete. A long, arduous process that the dog accepted without complaint. Something amazing happened, there was a whole new dog underneath the matted mess.  Then she took him to the vet as soon as she could. Lucky, as the dog is now named, was found to be deaf and blind. He had no microchip to track down his owner. Watch the video, the Internet is now giving this amazing lady a standing ovation for her selfless actions.

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