Man Introduces His Wife To A Wild Gorilla – Despite The Warnings, She Gets TOO CLOSE!

She gets too close! (Video)

When multi-millionaire wildlife conservationist Damian Aspinall took his wife, Victoria, to the jungles of Gabon to meet a couple of old friends, little did he know that one of his pals would dare try to steal his wife’s heart! The unexpected situation unfolded right after the couple got married. Damian wanted to introduce Victoria to his good friends Djalta and Ima. But, there was just one problem.

Four years ago, Damian left the two boys all alone in the jungle and under normal circumstances they wouldn’t be too happy to see Damian show up on their territory! They were very attached to Damian. Of course in actuality, there shouldn’t have been any hard feelings over their last send-off. Djalta and Ima happen to be Western Lowland gorillas and they love being surrounded by all the good jungle vibes! The conservationist had bred the two great apes since they were babies before releasing them into the wild as 12-year-olds. But, while Damian had tons of experience with gorillas, Victoria had absolutely none.

A unexpected situation!

This meant that Damian was very cautious as the couple traveled by boat through crocodile-infested waters to reach the two apes. It meant a lot to him to have Victoria meet these two who had such an impact on his own life. However, instead of watching out for Victoria’s safety, Damian probably should have been looking after her heart. His wife was instantly enamored with the pair of 300 pound beasts! They gave her lots of attention and hugs, and even nuzzled her neck. In an incredible show of trust, Victoria can be seen laying down in Ima’s lap, as he tries to play with her baseball cap and pick nits out of her hair. Watch the video to see if Ima actually succeeds in claiming Victoria as his new “gorilla wife.” Awww, this is so cute!

It’s an amazing encounter!

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