Stray Cat Only Accepts Food In A Bag – The Reason Will Melt Your Heart!

The reason will melt your heart! (Video)

Life as a stray cat has its obvious challenges, including finding food and shelter and steering clear of predators and traffic, but life as a mama stray is double the work, worry and sacrifice. Yet for one mama stray cat, come hell or high water, she was going to make sure that her precious baby kitten was going to survive. Seeing the plight of stray animals always breaks my heart and I want to take them all in. And apparently I’m not alone. This kind woman could not help but have her heart broken when she saw all of the hungry stray cats in her neighborhood.

So she goes out as often as she can to bring the stray cats food. But she noticed that one of the cats, Dong Suk as she calls her, would only take food if it was left in a bag. Try as she might she could not get the cat to eat food of any kind from a dish. So as she brought the other cats food she made sure to take a special bag for Dong. After such a long time of watching Dong take the bag of food and run, the compassionate woman decided to investigate and follow the stray mama cat to see where she was bringing the bag of food. Sure enough, Dongsuk was carrying it through the city. She could have devoured the bags of food for herself, but, instead, she would scamper away with each bag she received in her mouth. The reason behind her unusual gesture is absolutely heartwarming. She was actually saving the food for somebody else! 

She discovers her secret!

It was then that she discovered that Dong had a kitten who she was bringing the food for. Dong had actually had 5 kittens but it turns out that the kitten was the only remaining survivor of her litter. When this kind woman realized the sacrifice this loving mother cat was making she knew she had to help. So they capture this momma and her kitten and found them a home with their very own cat house. And now this mom no longer has to scrounge for food for her and her young kitten. It is so wonderful to see the two of them in a warm house makes my heart so full. What an incredible mom this cat is. For her to sacrifice her own well being for her kitten is so beautiful. Watch the video because this woman with a big heart really deserves to be honored!

This resilient and selfless mama stray cat represents what motherhood is all about. While she’s starving, she makes sure that her baby eats first.

Who else wanted to take these two in?


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