Dog Ran Into The Waves But His Mom Is Trying Everything To Rescue Him

She’s trying to rescue her dog (Video)

The devoted dog owner was in Brighton and has been filmed risking her life when her dog ran into the waves near the Palace Pier, East Sussex. She rushed into freezing waters and disappeared under the water for several seconds as she struggled to rescue the dog. Powerful waves luckily carried the woman back up the beach as her pet desperately tried to keep its head above water. Moments later, another wave swept it back inshore.

Alessando Intini, 41, caught the moment on camera. He said: “She was very confident going into the water, but after the first wave she was in shock, I think she was very lucky to come out alive. It was a wall of water which took the girl off her feet.” Chris Ingall, of Brighton and Hove City Council’s seafront operations manager said she was very lucky as she could have been swept out to sea. He continued: “If she had been any deeper in, that wave would have come behind her, over the top of her, and pushed her down into deep water. Fortunately, the force of the water pushed her back up the beach, otherwise that could have been a very different outcome.”

Dog swallowed by giant waves

Local coastguard Trevor Cutler said: “Obviously, this woman has a love for her dog but please never attempt self rescue, with how powerful the sea is at the moment, it was particularly horrendous on that day and the undercurrents will take you off your feet like you can see in that video. The next wave will take you out to sea, that footage is alarming and the woman is very lucky. The dog pretty much made its way out of the water anyway because they are more buoyant, the person was in more trouble than the dog.” Watch the video, this impressive rescue could have ended very badly: she could have died swallowed by giant waves! 

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