After Moving Out, Family Left Dog Behind – This Team Was Called In To Help!

It’s insane that there’s “people” able to do this! (Video)

When Kona’s family moved away, they left her behind, all alone on the streets to fend for herself. Luckily, a neighbor noticed what had happened and started feeding her, not wanting the poor dog to starve. While Kona always accepted the food, she was too terrified to let the man touch her, and this went on for months until, finally, help arrived. Hope for Paws found out about Kona and immediately drove out to get her. The man was somehow able to tie Kona to his porch to make it easier for rescuers to grab her, but unfortunately, little Kona was still absolutely terrified of everyone.

She had still never let the man pet her before, and when she saw her rescuers approaching, she attempted to run away and hide. To try and make her more comfortable, rescuers approached the dog slowly and began talking to her, trying to show her that they were there to help. After a few minutes, Kona actually seemed to calm down a lot, and when the man who had been feeding her came over to her, he finally let him pet her, for the first time in all the months they’d known each other. It seemed that Kona finally understood that the man was just trying to help her, and let him pet her as a way of saying thank you for feeding her and keeping her alive.

They turned her into a completely new dog!

While Kona was still a little nervous, she let her rescuers pet her and then pick her up, so they could take her to the vet to get checked out and cleaned up. She snuggled up onto one of her rescuers’ laps for the drive, and once at the vet they began the process of shaving her dirty, matted fur. Kona was calm and sweet throughout the whole process. As her new friends shaved off months of matted fur and turned her into a completely new dog. After she was shaved, she got a much-needed bath, and seemed to already feel so much better, despite still being a little shy… and within a couple of weeks, Kona had a second chance. Watch the video, you will be happy to see what has happened to her and how her life has changed forever! 

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