Baby Horse Is Upset When Man Stops Scratching, Her Reaction Is HILARIOUS!

Her reaction is hilarious! (Video)

It is no secret that pets desire our attention, more or less, 24 hours a day. Whether it is your loving dog or furry feline companion, your pet can turn into a straight up diva if you do not give them the attention they so rightly deserve. Our animals are prone to throwing tantrums when they are ignored and, it goes without saying, the bigger the animal, the bigger the tantrum. This was proven by a baby horse that wanted a bit more attention than her owner was willing to give and she made her displeasure quite clear.

The little horse was dark brown and very cute. She was also very playful and loved being around her owner. This filly apparently has no other baby horse to play with or to scratch those itchy spots. That’s okay, though, because she has a human who seems to be meeting the need. The filly backs up to the man in her field, pushing her hindquarters firmly against him and then enjoying the scratching as a reward. Problem is, she doesn’t want it to end! Whenever the owner would stop scratching, however, the foal would simply back up until she bumped into him and he would have to start scratching again.

The little horse still isn’t satisfied!

The owner decided that he had had enough fun for one day and made his way back towards the house. Well, that didn’t sit well with the colt at all. At first, the young horse chases the man and insists on his attention. Turning around, he laughingly scratches her rump, and then tries to walk away. But the filly isn’t finished! She is obviously enjoying the attention and loves that he’s scratching her where it itches. And then he tries to leave again, he’s had enough and continues walking away. Guess what happens this time? The horse decides to exert her influence a little more fully, and swings around, lifting her hoof into a perfectly aimed kick in the poor man’s direction. Watch this hilarious video, the foal was very irritated at that point and went right up to her owner and gave him a swift kick in the rear!

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