She Confronts Dog About Missing Shoe, His Dramatic Response Will Make You LAUGH!

His response will make you laugh! (Video)

Do you ever find yourself looking for something for hours and then you assume someone else must know where it is? It hasn’t been stolen, and it didn’t move on its own, so someone else in the house must have moved it. It’s usually pretty hard getting someone to admit that it was them that did it, but imagine if the only person in the house was a dog. One woman woke up to find that one of her favorite workout shoes was missing. She puts them in the same place every time she takes them off, but it was gone. Who could have taken them? She and her husky, Azlan, were the only ones in the house.

Lots of dogs like to chew on shoes and even sniff shoes, but would a dog really take the time to hide a pair of shoes? If so, why? The woman decided to confront Azlan and ask him if he knew anything about her missing shoes. She decided to record his response with her phone. She already knew Azlan was guilty, but she needed him to admit to it. He wasn’t very good at hiding his guilt, but he wasn’t about to admit that he had hidden the shoes. His owner said: “Azlan, I know you stole my shoe. Go pick it up and bring it back.” The dog doesn’t say anything; he just looks down at the shoe beside him. As if to say, “It’s right here.” He knows good and well what she is talking about, but if he admits that he knows, he might get in trouble for taking it. He decides to play dumb for a second.

It never ends well for him!

His body language says it all! Even his eyes betray his emotions, poor guy – and poor shoe! Mom isn’t letting him get away with anything though. He finally decided that he had better just give up and return the shoe before he got in even more trouble. He and his mom have had this same conversation many times, and it never ends well for him. He always has to return the shoe, and his mom is always angry with him. Watch the video to see this petulant husky try to defend himself, and convince mom that he’s innocent of all the shoes crimes he’s been accused of.

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