Follow that horse! Scooter Rider Helps A Woman To Chase Her RUNAWAY Horse!

An intense animal chase! (Video)

This video has gone viral on the internet. The footage was captured from the scooter in Wassenaar, on the western coast of the Netherlands. At the start of the video the motorcycle is seen heading down the main road, but the rider switches to the cycle lane when he sees the woman alongside the road wearing a helmet and running after her horse in the middle of a neighborhood. He pulled up near her to ask if she needed any help and she told im that her horse had run away. She got on the bike and they started what we can call a wild chase as they passed by many cars dodging along the way people and cars as well.

The horse is seen disrupting the traffic as a silver car waits for it to cross the road, before the animal starts galloping down the pavement on the opposite side. The chase lasted for several minutes attracting the attention of the people passing and at one point the rider seemed to get close to the horse and the chase was thought to come to an end but it did not. The horse ran away again and the chase started as if it were from the beginning. After a high-speed race the scooter catches up with it and tries to cut it off at a bend in the street, only for the horse to change direction and turn down a side road. More than once the woman dismounted from the scooter as she thought the animal was within reach, only to climb back on and resume the chase.

The pair went on to pursue the animal at high speed!

After several minutes the unusual chase finally came to an end as the scooter caught up to the galloping horse by a canal, allowing the woman to grab hold of its halter. Eventually, the man was able to get e grip on the horse and the chase came to an end after the rider of the scooter returned it to her owner. The owner thanked him deeply for giving her such help with the runaway horse and each went separate ways, the rider of the scooter happy that she helped somebody and the horse rider happy she got the horseback. Maybe this is what happens when your horse forgets it has only 1 horsepower and your motor scooter has 10. Watch the video, this had me tense just watching and my heart was in my throat! 

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