Man Leaves His Dog At Shelter – His Reason And Reaction Were Unbelievable

His reaction was unbelievable (Video)

It’s hard to miss the sign on the way in to the Davidson County Animal Shelter in Lexington, North Carolina. It reads: “The shelter is full and owner surrenders can be humanely euthanized at any time.” Beagle mix Jasper couldn’t see the sign as he entered the small county shelter, but he could tell something was very wrong. The shy 8-year-old dog was surrounded by strangers and odd smells. As his owner stood at the counter filling out surrender paperwork, Jasper sought protection by hiding behind his dad’s legs.

He peered out nervously, then hid his face once more. When shelter volunteers reiterated that the shelter was full and that leaving the dog could be tantamount to a death sentence, the man bent down and took Jasper’s collar and leash for him and his wife “to remember him by,” according to Donna Grooms, the shelter’s director. No clear reason was given for Jasper’s surrender, Grooms said, though the man hinted that Jasper didn’t get along with their 3-year-old grandchild. As his owner left through the glass door, passing the sign once more, Jasper tried to follow, but the man didn’t turn back.

He was all alone!

“He was upset. He wanted to leave with his daddy,” Grooms said. “We gave him about 45 minutes to calm down, and we put the bed in my office with a few soft treats, and walked outside. We let him stay in our meet-and-greet room overnight so he didn’t have to stay in general population.” Because time was of the essence, Grooms posted the heartbreaking photos of Jasper’s surrender on Facebook, along with a plea for help. “I got nothing left — Daddy took my collar, leash and name tag so him and mom would have something to remember me by,” Grooms wrote. “Sign on front door says full and that owner surrenders can be put down at any time so my people think that may be my fate.” Watch the video, luckily, her prayers were quickly answered.

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