He Takes His Dog Home From The Groomer – His Son Notices Something STRANGE!

He notices something strange! (Video)

A confused dad has become an internet sensation after his son took to social media to out him for picking up the wrong dog from the groomers, despite owning the pet for more than 10 years. Alex, a 22-year-old student from Miami, shared a video of an adorable toy Maltese running around their house but noted that this cute pooch was not their 10-year-old pup Nieves. The funniest part? Alex says his dad didn’t realise the mix-up until he and his brother pointed out the mistake.

“My dad took my dog to PetSmart to get groomed and he came back with a different dog and didn’t notice until my brother and I told him something,” he wrote in a caption accompanying in the video. Alex said Nieves was one of two Maltese dogs waiting to be picked up at the same time. “According to him [my dad] it was because the dog acted normal and followed him to the car and even jumped in as soon as he opened the door.” Maybe the pup was just over PetSmart? But Alex’s dad was forced to admit his mistake and confessed that he thought something was off with their pooch.

They died of laughter!

“My brother and I died of laughter and asked why he would take the dog home if he thought something was off. He said, ‘I thought he was getting old and my eyes were betraying me,”‘ he said. The brothers sent their dad back to the groomers and to be 100 per cent sure, they made their dad send them a picture of the dog he was picking up a second time to make sure he got the right one. Alex also explained the owners of the other dog were none the wiser about the mix-up, as “They were still waiting for Petsmart to call them and tell them that their dog was ready to get picked up”. Watch the video, it shows an extremely confused dad, a cute white dog, and a bunch of laughter from his two boys!

The family have since been reunited with Nieves – and the other dog looked happy to have gone on such an unexpected adventure.


On his second trip to PetSmart, Alex’s dad sent a group text message to the family with a photo of their dog, asking if he’d gotten it right this time.

“He went back to get my real dog,” Alex tweeted. “And he ain’t taking any chances.”

As for the mystery pup? Alex reassured his fans that she is doing just fine.

Source: twitter.com

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