A Tourist Who Grabbed a Baby Shark For A Selfie Will Quickly REGRET It!

She will soon regret it! (Video)

Another tourist just learned that taking selfies with a shark isn’t exactly a good idea – and she had to learn it the hard way! This incident recently happened on an island in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago off the coast of Brazil. When this woman, who remains to be unnamed at the moment, spotted a shark in the water, rather than running a mile, she decided to grab onto the juvenile shark.v thanks to this now-infamous video that showed her being bitten while trying to take a selfie with the shark.

The footage immediately went viral on social media, gaining numerous views and comments – which are mostly against the woman – from netizens from across the world. The tourist could be seen frantically trying to free her hand from the jaws of the shark pup she had plucked out of shallow waters for a photo. Her boyfriend was filming when the shark exacted its revenge, latching onto the woman’s hand. He wouldn’t let go as the woman writhed around in the water trying to remove its jaws. A man stepped in to try to help but the shark had a fierce grip. After trying so hard, the woman managed to free her hand and then tossed the shark back in the water. Off camera, she was taken to the island’s Sao Lucas Hospital and received four stitches on her hand, according to reports.

She gets instant taste of Karma!

It’s since emerged that her and her boyfriend have been charged with animal cruelty. They’ve each been ordered to pay £5,000 ($6600) over the incident. The Chico Mendes Biodiversity Institute enforced the fine after the shark was confirmed as an endangered lemon shark and the beach was a protected conservation area. Signs in the park warn visitors not to kill, catch, disturb or feed the animals. Tourists have repeatedly been warned not to interfere with animals in the wild for photo opportunities, especially in light of a series of headline-making incidents. Watch the video, we hope she’s learned her lesson.

This is a great reminder that we should only give out what we want in return! She learned that lesson the hard way!


Source: fr.laowl.com

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