Woman Confronts Dog’s Owner For Leaving Him In Car On Hottest Day Of The Year!

Woman confronts dog’s owner! (Video)

A dog lover was subjected to a barrage of abuse when she confronted two women who had left a pooch in the car on the hottest day of the year. Elaine Woolacott was at Stone Lane Retail Park in Exeter when she discovered a dog panting in the back of a motor. She whipped out her phone and began filming the parched pooched who came over and licked her hand through the open window.

Elaine kept filming until the dog’s owners returned to the vehicle while she and another shopper were reporting the dog being trapped in the car to the authorities. The owners became abusive, before angrily driving off. The footage of the dog in the car and the subsequent confrontation with its owner has gone viral with almost 200,000 views on Facebook. Elaine said: “As soon as I got out of my car I saw the puppy. It was such a hot day again and the dog looked in real discomfort. It was absolutely burning and the dog hadn’t been given any water. The driver of the car said that they had only been in the shop for one minute but I had been filming for at least eight minutes by then. I’m so angry that someone would treat their dog like this.”

They could face criminal prosecution!

Owners could face criminal prosecution for leaving their pets in cars on hot days. Despite repeated RSPCA warnings and threat of prosecution, owners are still leaving dogs to ‘cook alive’ in hot cars. A car can become as hot as an oven very quickly, even when it doesn’t feel that warm. When it’s 22C, in a car it can reach 47C within the hour – causing a dog to suffer heatstroke which can lead to death in just 10 minutes. Watch the video and feel free to share this article if you think this woman did the right thing!

Earlier this week Elaine confronted a couple after waiting for over 10 minutes for them to return to the vehicle with their young child.

Source: incroyable.co

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