Man Saves Tiny Foal After He Got Stuck On Road And Does The Exact Right Thing

Man saves tiny foal (Video)

Mothers all over the animal kingdom become distressed when they are separated from their babies. A kind-hearted passer-by came to the aid of a stricken foal after it got cut off from its mother and was left stranded on a country road. Somehow, the foal had managed to wander onto a road and got stuck. He got into a rather sticky situation. The little one trotted up and down the road, narrowly missing a passing car.

The young brown horse was running aimlessly down the tarmac surface having become stranded from its family. Due to its small stature, the foal had neither the height or the power in its legs to complete a leap over the metal railing, leaving it on its own. The little foal could have easily been hit by the car, but thankfully they stopped to check on the lost baby. Behind the walls of the road, they could see the distressed mother horse trying to get to her baby. Goodness knows how the foal had made its way past the metal bars. Maybe it had squeezed underneath and forgotten how to get back to its mom. With the fence in the way, the foal and its mother gazed at each other longingly, growing increasingly distressed by their separation. That’s when the passing strangers decided to step in to help.

Poor horse had become lost from herd and mother

Horses are known for being very protective of their young and it can be especially dangerous to get too close. However, in this situation, there was little choice. If they didn’t act, then the foal could be stuck and suffer an upsetting fate if another passing car didn’t stop in time. Carefully, the man approached the foal and gently picked it up. As the herd watches on, he then manages to lift the foal over the safety barrier and land it safely back on the grassy verge with its mother. Watch the video, it’s safe to say that the mother horse was extremely grateful for the man’s help. 

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