She Attempts To STOP Six Lanes Of Traffic – The Reason Will Melt Your Heart!

She attempts to stop six lanes of traffic (Video)

A woman was driving when she noticed something furry stranded on the fast track lane on a busy freeway — and was horrified when she realized it was a tiny kitten. Unable to go back or pull over without causing an accident, the woman quickly contacted Hope for Paws, hoping that they could get to the poor kitten before it was too late.  As soon as they got the text, Hope for Paws rescuers Eldad Hagar and Loreta Frankonyte, who were on their way back from another rescue, quickly drove out to the spot on the freeway that the woman had described. They parked illegally, opened the windows for the dogs in the crate, and ran about 200 yards to the spot where the kitty was lying. They knew they had to act quickly in order to rescue the kitten, as traffic was zooming by all around him.

Once ready, they broke onto the freeway and stopped traffic completely! “Not knowing the kitten’s state of mind, I told Loreta I will approach from the front so he can see me, and she will surprise him from behind.” Following the plan, Frankonyte quickly came up behind the kitten and was able to grab him before he even realized what was happening. Their plan worked perfectly, and all the people in their cars were really happy to see them save the little kitten, now called Napoleon. Hagar called the woman who had alerted them to Napoleon to thank her for helping save his life, and then they drove straight to the vet to get the little guy checked out.

Why Would Anyone Throw a Kitten on the Freeway?

Once at the vet, Napoleon’s rescuers offered him some food and he ate it eagerly, and it was clear that he had gone hungry for some time. No one’s sure how the kitten ended up on the freeway, but the fact that he was too weak to move and there was just no way he could’ve crossed six lanes of traffic alone — which meant that someone had probably tossed him out of a car like a piece of trash.  “The little guy was sick, had an eye infection, he was so skinny, and I just have no idea how he could have made it to that side of the freeway,” Hagar said. Napoleon was treated for his eye infection and for fleas, and was given a much-needed bath. Watch his harrowing rescue in the video, it’s a miracle he wasn’t struck by a car and killed. Thank goodness for that good Samaritan for doing the right thing.

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