Dog Accidentally Farts In His Sleep – The Offended Cat’s Comeback Is Hilarious

The cat’s reaction is hilarious! (Video)

Dogs and cats are known as two animals that don’t typically get along. They have a long history that can be quite complicated. Those who own both a cat and a dog often find themselves having to break up countless fights between the two. Whether a sneaky cat is launching a devious plan, or a playful dog just wants some attention, there tends to be constant drama between the two. Their rivalry has been going on for so long that most people seem to believe these two will just never be able to get along. In this video, an owner manages to capture a very unique exchange between his pets that he definitely was not expecting!

The video begins with the owner recording his dog and cat lying on the bed. All seems to be going well as the dog falls asleep and the cat lays down in the background looking on. Suddenly, the sleeping dog lets out a fart, and the way the cat responds is going viral as it cracks people up all over the globe! With the cat lying behind him, the cat can’t ignore what he’s just heard. He then looks around as soon as the dog farts and gives the dog an angry side eye look. Still asleep, the dog has no idea what’s about to happen.

All seems fine, until the unexpected happens!

Without any warning, the cat proceeded to teach the dog a lesson about farting in his sleep that the feline hopes he won’t soon forget! The poor puppy was too lost in sleep to see what was coming his way! It almost seems like the cat is telling the dog to watch his manners! It’s amazing that the owner was able to capture this hilarious footage, and it’s cracking up viewers from around the world! The dog wakes up looking around in confusion before laying his head down and going back to sleep having no idea what just happened. This owner clearly has quite a situation on his hands with these two! Watch the video, this is an unexpected and hilarious moment!

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