Lion Has a Surprising Reaction to Tourists at Safari Park

His reaction surprises everyone (Video)

It’s my general understanding that wild lions are pretty dangerous, but after watching a very relaxed lion jump into a safari vehicle full of people, I am very confused. During a safari at Taigan Safari Park in Vilnohirsk, Crimea, a lion named Filya boarded a vehicle full of tourists. Once aboard the lion nuzzled the tourists and plied them with big lion licks. Owner of the park Oleg Zubkov was driving the vehicle when Filya came aboard. He quickly exited the car as Filya entered it to keep an eye on her interaction with the tourists.

Tourists were left shocked when the lion climbed into their buggy. The big cats were able to walk freely up to the safari car – that’s when the giant tabby jumped into the buggy and, seemingly, started cuddling the tourists. Some visitors seemed surprisingly unfazed and genuinely pleased by a lion climbing all over them. A couple of people even managed to snap a selfie with Filya. The lion looked like it wanted to take the steering wheel and drive, appearing to be quite playful. The moment was used as an opportunity to take photos and selfies with the cat – because that’s exactly what you do if an animal capable of killing you in an instant decides to climb over you, right?

The lion had the most adorable reaction

I’m just so curious to know why no one was consumed by fear, or an overwhelming sense of their own mortality? Am I missing something? This is a literal lion we’re talking about. And, if you think all of this sounds dangerous and ill-advised, you’re correct. As recently as eight weeks ago, another lion at the park apparently bit a visitor. (The tourist’s fine, though.) As adorable as it is to see Filya cuddling with tourists, we probably shouldn’t forget that lions are not harmless little kittens. Just a thought. The incident happened weeks after a woman was hurt by a different lion in the same park. Watch the video, the moment the lion got into the car with tourists has gone viral. 

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