Owner Asks Her Dog If He Pooped On The Floor – His Reaction Is Hilarious!

His reaction is hilarious! (Video)

Dogs are great at being trained to go outside when nature calls, but sometimes accidents happen. You can do your very best to take them out or walk them when you can, but there are times when you may have to leave them home alone for up to hours at a time. This wonderful Husky named Zeus The Stubborn is a good boy but, as any other dog he makes mistakes sometimes. We’ve seen a lot of guilty dogs. Most of them accept the fact that they are caught making some mess. They have no other option and accept that they are guilty. But, this Husky denied any involvement in this unpleasant situation.

Zeus pooped and his owner wants him to admit that he is the one who messed the floor. But when he is questioned by the owner, he reacts in a way that will surely leave you laughing. When asked by his owner if he “pooped on the floor”, the beautiful husky stubbornly denies all accusations. Each time he is questioned about the mess he made on the floor, Zeus vocally moans and groans in the most adorable way as he replies to his owner, hilariously squirming each and every time he is asked. He simply doesn’t accept that he is guilty. He looks like he is arguing with his mom. By the looks of things, he doesn’t want this topic of conversation to carry on for much longer… The embarrassment seems to be enough punishment!

Zeus is one guilty dog!

“Did you poop on the floor today?” mom asks her dog. “Did you poop because you were mad or because it was truly an accident?” Apparently Zeus has been known to get back at mom by purposely going on the carpet! The Husky’s biggest reaction comes when mom calls him a bad dog. Zeus really takes this personally and gives mom an earful. You can blame him all you want for the poop on the floor, but never ever take it so far as to call him a bad dog. He resents that remark! Zeus the stubborn Husky has pleaded his case, but we think he’s guilty. How about you?

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