Dog Waits For Owner By Roadside for More Than 86 Days – But She Will Not Come Back

Dog waits for owner for more than 86 days! (Video)

Heartbreaking footage captures a loyal dog mourn its owner on a busy road… the poor dog waited for more than 86 days for its human in the middle of a road in Hohhot, Mongolia, even though its owner had actually passed away on 21 August 2018. The press wrote that the owner passed away in a car accident on the same road and since then, the dog has been waiting there every day.  A taxi driver shared that the dog was always seen sitting patiently at the railing in the middle of the road where the fateful accident took place: “This owner’s relationship with her dog was very deep. After she was killed, this little dog has just stayed standing guard. Every day it’s in the road, I always see it. The relationship between man and dog is so true.

According to the taxi driver, the poor fella is very jumpy and runs away whenever he is approached but he will always return to the same spot. Besides that, some animal lovers have reportedly left some food near the railing for the dog. If you aren’t aware, this isn’t the first time a story like this has emerged; another famous story that has happened in the past is another doggo called Hachiko in Japan. He used to religiously wait for his owner, who passed away nearly 10 years ago, at Tokyo’s Shibuya railway station because that was where he used to meet his human.

This little dog is so loyal!

When a video of the loyal canine waiting for its owner went viral all over the internet, many netizens pitied it and hoped that the family members of the dog’s owner will take care of it. The report said that a local charity is reaching out to its owner’s family and they are looking to find a different home for it if they can’t contact them.  Watch the video, the loyal dog  has captured the hearts of all communities over the internet.

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