Family Dog Abandoned On New Year’s Eve Refused To Leave His Blanket – Touching Rescue!

Dog refuses to leave his blanket! (Video)

Before the family moved from their Dallas neighborhood, they placed their trash and unwanted belongings in the alleyway behind their house. Sadly, one thing they didn’t want anymore was their dog — so they left her and her blanket out on the street. She clings to a wet freezing blanket because that’s the only familiar thing she has left, the only thing to remind her of home. On New Year’s Day — the day after the dog’s family disappeared — Marina Tarashevska, cofounder of Dallas DogRRR, went for a walk in her neighborhood and discovered the abandoned dog clinging to the blanket. It was really cold and rainy, and the dog was lying on her blanket — and she wouldn’t leave it. She was still thinking her family would come back. She was in that stage of, ‘I’ll just wait here. This is familiar.’”

Now this poor dog is glued to the dirty cloth, terried to move, scared to trust anyone because the heartbreak of the ultimate betrayal. After speaking to concerned neighbors and learning the dog’s sad story, Tarashevska attempted to rescue the dog. But it wasn’t easy. Anytime Marina got close to that blanket, she would run off. Once Tarashevska retreated, the dog always returned to the blanket, which gave Tarashevska an idea. Now, each time the dog ran off, Tarashevska pulled the blanket down the alleyway toward her own house. After doing this for about an hour, the blanket — and the dog — had reached Tarashevska’s backyard, and Tarashevska was able to grab hold of the dog and get her into the safety of a kennel.

After one hour trying to rescue her!

The dog, now named Camilla, was terrified. She basically was curled up into a ball in the back of the crate. You could touch her, but she was frozen in fear. Wouldn’t make eye contact, kept her head down. If you got close to her, she would put her head into the back of the kennel, like, ‘Don’t look at me, don’t make eye contact with me, don’t touch me. Stay away.’ Tarashevska could also see that Camilla had fresh wounds on her neck and ears — so she immediately took Camilla to the vet. My heart breaks for her, she is petried in fear. She has been attacked… by what we are uncertain! The wounds are on both ears and her neck. The vet said it was either an embedded collar, meaning she was probably kept outside. The only other thing we thought of was that a dog had gotten into a fight with her when she got outside. Watch the video of this touching rescue, Camilla had surgery on her neck and she’s on the road to recovery — not just physically, but emotionally, too.

Camilla is now living in a foster home, where she’s getting lots of love and attention — and Camilla’s becoming a completely different dog.

“She’s doing great. Her personality is slowly coming out, and she’s starting to trust.” said Marina.


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