Mother Accidentally Rolled On Top Of Her Baby – Owner Performs CPR On Lifeless Puppy

Owner refuses to give up until dog is breathing again (Video)

A mother boxer named Maggie was nursing her large litter of pups. Since Maggie was a new mom, she hadn’t quite gotten the hang on parenting just yet. For the second time, the mama dog rolled over and didn’t notice that one of her puppies was trapped beneath her body. This time, she accidentally smothered one of them, a female, and the tiny white pup was not breathing. Maggie’s owner, an unidentified Texas man, discovered the puppy when he went to check on the dogs, and his quick thinking and skilled actions ended up saving the little dog’s life.

A video of the incident has now gone viral. In it, we see the man massaging the non-responsive puppy’s body and giving her short breaths as a form of canine CPR. He rapidly massages her stomach and pats her chest in an attempt to help the puppy breathe again. The pet owner said: “I’m trying to give her some breaths – come on, start breathing.” The pup soon begins to show small signs of life, but she’s not breathing on her own yet. Undeterred, her rescuer continues to stroke her body and give her chest compression. The puppy then makes a strangled noise as the man performs mouth-to-mouth. “I’m not sure how long the puppy had stopped breathing but it was definitely a blue/purple in color, I carried her to my kitchen and began CPR. After several minutes of giving breaths and stimulating the heart area, puppy finally caught her breath and began breathing on her own,” he added.

It’s absolutely incredible to see a living being come back to life

Maggie watches anxiously as Dad works on her pup, and all the while the man gently reprimands his dog for lying on top of her puppy. After several tense minutes, the little pup gives a tremendous gasp and begins to sputter again. Within hours the puppy has fully recovered from the trauma, and she’s happily nursing from Maggie among her many squirming siblings. This revival is nothing short of miraculous! It’s absolutely incredible to see a living being come back to life like this, and let’s hope that mama Maggie gets a little better about not lying on her pups! Watch this incredible puppy recover in the video, it’s definitely something that us non-medical professionals don’t see every day.

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