Puppy Found with Rubber Bands Tied Tightly Around Paws – He Could Barely Walk

His paws were damaged by rubber bands! (Video)

A puppy named Little Foot is recovering at a Phoenix shelter after his paws were damaged by rubber bands binding his ankles. The Arizona Humane Society said the 7-week-old pit bull was turned in two weeks ago by a good Samaritan who found him. The animal lover got Little Foot help just in time; when the puppy arrived at AHS, he could barely walk. The circulation to his paws was cut off by the rubber bands, causing his paws to painfully swell.

The shelter immediately started treating the puppy. During his time at AHS, Little Foot underwent daily laser therapy sessions and warm compress massages. According to the shelter, these methods of treatment “activated the cells and tissues in his feet, and essentially helped to ‘jump start’ the cells needed to heal.” But thanks to treatment that includes laser therapy to stimulate healing and warm compress massages to boost circulation, the pup is getting better and the scabs around his ankles are almost gone.

Little Foot is making big strides

Since Little Foot is showing such great progress, he has been moved to the home of a AHS Foster Hero where he can enjoy the comfort of a family during his recovery. Once the puppy’s wounds are healed, AHS will begin to look into adopting out Little Foot. For now, the shelter is focused on getting the pup back to 100%. Watch the video, he had his last treatment and now he need a kind foster family who takes care of him and shows him what love is. Now he has cats friends!

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