Devastated After Losing Her Litter, This Mother Dog Adopts a Very Special Orphaned Baby

They became inseparable (Video)

They say, “Whenever a door closes, a window opens.” These words of wisdom are true on so many levels—not only in the lives we live as humans but also in the lives of our furry friends in the animal kingdom. This is maybe the saddest story you’ll hear today, at least initially. This story took place on a cattle ranch near the town of Hamilton in southeast Australia. Molly is a Beagle who recently lost her litter of pups. We don’t know exactly what took Molly’s pups away from her, so we’re left to imagine what horrible disease or deadly predator robbed her of being a new mom. Owners Sara and Elle Moyle could see that Molly was devastated at the loss.

She moped. She wandered aimlessly around the house. Molly was very upset and she was looking for her puppies everywhere. That’s when she found a baby possum. This animal is a species native to Australia. He was abandoned by his mother, which is not an uncommon occurrence for possums during times of hardship. Yet the tragedy was replaced by motherly joy when Molly stumbled upon the baby possum that had no mother to take care of it and “adopted” it as her own. They’ve just been inseparable. It was clear that the baby possum, which they named Poss, mistook Molly for its mother, and instinctually, Poss climbed onto Molly’s back—as baby possums would their own mother. But mistake or no, the helpless baby needed a parent protector, and Molly was more than happy to oblige.

They’ve both found what was missing in their lives

Wagging her tail with joy, now Molly roams around the cattle ranch with Poss on her back, and it’s clear they’ve both found what was missing in their lives. One might argue that beagles and possums, being entirely different species of animals, have little in common with each other and have little business playing mommy and baby. For instance, possums are nocturnal animals, which means that Poss is often found sleeping in a tree during the day, when Molly is out and about. Yet, as Moyle explains, “Molly just sits under the tree where he’s sleeping and just waits for him.” In other words, they make it work. Nevertheless, at least for now until Poss grows bigger, they have each other, proving again that, sometimes, when we lose something dear to us, there is redemption to be found—even in the animal kingdom. Watch the video, their story, even though they belong to two different species, is touching and they are adorable.

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