Dog Locks Eyes With Bearded Man at Airport And Freaks Out When He Recognizes His Face

Familiar scent sets him off (Video)

We’re never more aware of how much our loved ones mean to us than in the moments we can’t be with them. But we’re still lucky that these days we have technology around to be able to keep each other updated in real time, although we are miles apart. For Anthony Podolinsky, that includes his beloved dog, Brady. He and his partner McKayla Crump decided to move from their Alaska home to Oregon. Anthony planned to travel separately and meet McKayla and Brady there a short time later, but ultimately stayed behind in Anchorage for months dealing with an unexpected family tragedy. But, have you ever given thought to how it must feel when our pets are separated from us for quite some time? Do you have any idea just how much your pet misses you when you are away? 

“The plan was I was going to drive down with my brother and the dog and Anthony would fly down 3 weeks later,” McKayla explained. “But unfortunately his father’s health took a serious turn for the worse and Anthony has to cancel his flight to Bend.” Anthony also quit his job and helped care for his dad full-time. His father ended up passing away in late November, after which Anthony stayed to help his mom sort out all the final affairs. In the meantime, McKayla and Brady missed him a ton. After spending three difficult months apart from the two, Anthony felt exactly the same. He finally got to see them again.

The dog doesn’t notice him at first

McKayla shared footage of the heartwarming moment Brady saw Anthony again. “There’s literally nothing better than a dog being reunited with his hooman.” said McKayla. In the video, we see Anthony sitting in a chair at the airport. He’s just a few feet away from the dog, who doesn’t notice him at first. But then, Brady locks eyes with his favorite human and immediately walks over, tail wagging. When he sniffs Anthony and realizes that, yes, this is, in fact, his long-lost dad, he can’t contain his joy. The adorable pup jumps up on Anthony, licking him over and over while whining uncontrollably. Their reunion was so heartfelt that even the people around them at the time could not help but smile. Passersby’s even stopped to admire the emotional meeting. Watch the video, it was truly a touching moment and we can’t help but be happy for the dog and his owner because they’re finally reunited together once more.

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