She Lies Down Next To Her Dog – When The Music Starts They Will Take Your Breath Away!

They will take your breath away!

Every creature has its defining characteristic. For instance, cats are known to be independent. On the other hand, dogs are known for their loyalty and the affection they shower on their owners. They are also known to be easily trainable. Dogs can be trained to do everything from sniffing out bombs to healing those in therapy. The pooch in the following video was trained to do an incredible routine!

During the 2016 Dog Dance World Championship in Moscow, a special couple, Italian dog trainer Lusy Imbergerova and her incredible dog kidnapped the hearts of the audience and the judges with a very particular and captivating performance. Yes, their names are Lusy Imbergerova and Deril and their choreography depicting life in the military was an entertaining succession of routines that were performed with wonderful and inspiring complicity. The resulting routines aren’t only impressive from an artistic standpoint, but they also showcase the remarkable intelligence and athleticism of dogs, as well as the bonds they have with their humans.

Impressive and touching!

I have never seen a dog march! It looks like we are being taken through their morning workout. They stretch, so pushups and situps. I think my favorite part was at the very beginning when he tried to wake her up – she just rolled over, so he had to get creative and lifted his leg as warning if she didn’t get up! They do everything together, until his owner is sadly “injured” from a grenade. Watch the video, don’t miss the final routine which is very impressive and touching!

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