Angry Cockatoo Goes Nuts And Throws A Hilarious Tantrum When Is Told To Go To His Cage

Hilarious tantrum (Video)

During a fight it is difficult at times to remain calm and the more you become agitated the angrier you get! This parrot is nothing short of furious with his owner who for some unknown reason asked his cockatoo parrot named Pebble to go back inside his cage. Pebble freaks out and starts insulting his owner and seems to have no intention of stopping or even listening to the quiet voice of the man who gently invites him to quit using such foul language and to calm down.

She’s may be a bird, but she’s a foul-mouthed, ill-tempered bat too. Pebbles the cockatoo uses all the curses she’s learned over the years to tell her owner to go shove it. After the bird’s owner asked Pebbles to kindly get back in her cage, the cockatoo was quick to tell the owner that she had other plans. While strutting back and forth across the cage where she is supposed to live, Pebbles puffs out her feathers and screeches every curse word she knows much to the chagrin of the bird’s owner.

Never irritate a cockatoo!

Here’s a little background on Pebbles. It might clarify why she’s so angry. During her 20-year life so far, the Cockatoo has lived in 10 different homes. The instability and constant shift in owners probably left a toll on the bird who has lived a domestic existence her whole life. Her two decade journey has finally led Pebbles to Canada’s Saskatoon Parrot Rescue where she is currently living. While her current caretakers might not know where Pebbles learned to cures, the female bird certainly isn’t afraid to go at it much like an angry sailor. Watch the video, you will know that you should never irritate a cockatoo!

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