Little Girl Surrounded by 14 German Shepherds – Look How She’s Gifted

Surrounded by huge pack of German Shepherds (Video)

German Shepherds are highly motivated animals who need constant interaction. They are highly intelligent and will not be content to live life as a couch potato. He’s a dog of action, and he needs to live with an active person who will give him a job worthy of his talents. This means they’re great to have around high-energy people like young children! They are also known to be incredible guard dogs, but some people are wary about how safe a German Shepherd would be near a small child.

Those doubts could be cleared up for good after watching this clip. In the video, a 5-year-old girl named Pernille is seen playing all alone with 14 German Shepherds in a field. These German Shepherds are from Kennel Finika in Norway and are proof that with proper socialization from puppyhood, any dog can be excellent with children. Watch as little Pernille throws grass in the air and the Shepherds go jumping in the air to catch it. This little girl has the best bodyguard team in the whole world and I doubt anyone is going to mess with her anytime soon.

The footage is like a story out of a children’s book

The kid and dogs seem so comfortable and joyous around each other, romping, fetching, cuddling and wrestling all goes down on the grass! She clearly is living the dream! They look like an army around her, following her every step and never being more than a few feet away from her! They are enjoying every second of the time that they have with this little girl, and she loves every second of it, as well.Watch this amazing video of a little girl with no fear at all of these dogs in this field.

One thing is for sure, Pernille is clearly living out every child’s fantasy.


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