Stray Dog Persistently Chases Bus Trying To Get On Board – The Driver Did The Unexpected

Stray dog won’t stop chasing bus (Video)

The story takes place in Quezon City in the Philippines, and it all started when Jaypee Barcelinia got on a bus. After sitting on it for a moment, Barcelinia noticed that there was a stray dog chasing the bus. Although this wasn’t particularly unusual, what was unusual was just how determined this dog was to either catch the bus or get on it. As the bus slowed down, the dog would try to jump on the back of it, but each time the dog missed. But she did not give up. The dog tried doing this about six different times! Before long, Barcelinia thought that maybe the driver should just let the dog onboard.

The driver was reluctant to let the dog board — worried that the stray pup might act out and bite a passenger. Still, the little dog didn’t give up. No matter how tired she got, she kept running and running, constantly trying to jump on the back step of the bus. Needless to say, the dog’s determination was pretty inspiring to anybody who witnessed it! Eventually, the driver’s heart softened and he finally brought the bus to a complete stop. After seeing all the dog’s efforts, the driver relented and let the little pup onboard. Once inside, she did what she wanted to do the entire time: she took a comfortable nap in the shade of the bus! It’s not every day that someone sees a stray dog that’s this friendly, this determined and this understanding of the public transit system!

The dog’s determination was pretty inspiring to anybody

Needless to say, the video is going viral on the internet and everyone on the bus that day knew that they’d seen something special. But the story doesn’t end there. Although the bus driver was initially hesitant to let the pup onboard, he changed his mind eventually. Even after letting the dog get on, the driver eventually felt an attachment for the little girl and decided to keep her and take care of her! “Even after the journey finished the dog didn’t want to leave,” Barcelinia said. “The driver is now keeping her and taking care of her.” Watch the video, as this story pretty clearly shows, a little bit of determination can go a long way!

Congratulations to this little pup on getting a ride—and on getting a new human to hang out with!


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