Touching Rescue: Driver Spots Terrified And Stuck Little Kitten On An Overpass

This young man has shown courage (Video)

Rob Acuña Jr. was heading home from work along an overpass in Houston, Texas, when something caught his eye. “I noticed a little bump on the freeway wall that just happened to look like a little face as I drove by,” said Rob. “I honestly thought I was seeing things since it had been a long day and was so tired.” Acuña continued on his way, but a thought lingered on his mind: What if that bump was alive? A few minutes later, Acuña decided he had to double-check. He pulled off the freeway, turned around and headed back to the spot. And it’s a good thing that he did!

Cruising slowly along the overpass with his hazard lights on, Rob searched and searched to find the “bump” — discovering that it was, in fact, a terrified little kitten. Rob’s gut feelings had been right, and with that he’d saved the day. “The entire time I was in complete disbelief!” Rob said. “If I had not caught it on camera, I would not believe that it even happened!” The kitten, who her rescuer suspects had been abandoned there, was in shock. But thanks to Rob’s quick thinking, he was able to deliver her to safety.

He knew he only had seconds to react

Rob then took the kitten home to feed and bathe her. He and his family named her Pepper. If Pepper had indeed been placed in that life-threatening situation by some cruel person, her troubled past is now all behind her. “She is doing fantastic!” Rob said. “After a few days of being able to decompress and relax, she is starting to come out of her shell and really show the world how feisty and precious she is. It is so hard to believe she was ever in that situation to begin with.” Rob and his family are no strangers to animal rescue; they often open their homes to foster stray or needy pets, and work to find them forever families. Clearly, Pepper is in good hands — and Acuña is determined that she’ll stay that way. Watch the video, this young man has shown courage, hope, and faith for a better tomorrow.

Many people have stepped forward to adopt Pepper after learning of her ordeal, but Rob is still planning what will be best for her going forward.

“What we really want others to know (since I have received thousands of messages asking if someone can adopt her) is that there are so many more strays in need! Just because they do not have a dramatic video to go along with them, does not mean they do not deserve the same love and attention.” said Rob.


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