Rescuers Brave Floods to Save Dog ‘Clinging for Life’ to Tree Stuck in Water

They spotted the dog clinging for life in the branches of a tree (Video)

A series of heavy thunderstorms rolled over Central Oklahoma dumping historic rainfall into the Arkansas River watershed. As the river and its tributaries began to come up out of their banks, the American Humane rescue team jumped into action. Under the coordination of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, they deployed their teams and resources and partnered up with local organizations. They has been assisting with search-and-rescue missions for companion and farm animals since they arrived in the state several days ago. Roscoe came on to their radar after the dog’s owners, forced to evacuate before they could pick up Roscoe, reached out to the organization for help.

“American Humane, Code 3 Associates and firefighters with the Webbers Falls Fire Department launched boats on a rescue mission into the swirling soup of contaminated floodwaters. The location where Roscoe had been left in a fenced yard was now under 10 to 12 feet of water. More than two days had passed since the flooding began and we were not sure if he would have been able to survive the ordeal,” said American Humane Rescue veterinarian Lesa Staubus. During the panic of evacuation, some pets had been left behind. It is easy to think you would never leave your pets behind in a situation like this, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Large dogs that don’t get along can’t be loaded together into the only vehicle you have to get you and your entire family out of harm’s way.

The dog was exhausted!

Thankfully, as the team moved closer to Roscoe’s home, they spotted the dog’s head and front paws “clinging for life in the branches of a tree.” Dr. Saubus said she could see “fear and exhaustion” in Roscoe’s eyes as they ended his horrible ordeal by pulling him from the muddy water and onto American Humane’s boat. “With careful teamwork we were able to safely get Roscoe into our boat and into a transport kennel. As he was transported out of the flood area he promptly collapsed into a deep sleep. His poor body was exhausted. We are happy to report that the following morning, after he had had food and rest, he seemed much more settled, although no doubt still traumatized,” she added. Watch the video, these heroes deserve to be saluted for saving Roscoe’s life!

By the end of the day they had rescued five dogs and four cats from Webbers Falls. 

Roscoe will be cared for by one of American Humane’s shelter partners until his family is back in a home and able to care for him again.


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