Priceless Dog’s Reaction When The Baby Wakes Up Crying After Nap

Priceless dog’s reaction (Video)

This baby, Everett, was born several weeks premature, so his stay at the hospital was longer than most. But meanwhile, back at the house, the dear dog’s eagerness to finally meet him in person never faded. Bringing a newborn baby home for the first time is such a magical moment. Introducing pets to the new baby can be a bit nerve-wracking. Will they be stand-offish? Will they be protective? Will they be an automatic best friend? You never know how a dog is going to react. But even before this pup named Dodger met his new baby brother Everett face-to-face, he was head over paws in love. And it showed.

“He was the best cuddle buddy during my pregnancy, and always somewhere near my belly,” said Jessie Klorman, Dodger’s owner. “Once Everett was home from the hospital, Dodger either wanted to be cuddled up right next to us, or entertaining us,” Klorman said. “A premie newborn sleeps 15-18 hours a day, so the entertainment was appreciated.” Indeed, from the first day it became clear that Dodger was devoted — a devotion that would only grow deeper. At 1 year old, Everett is now a healthy, happy toddler. And every step along the way, the faithful dog has stuck by his side. Evidence of their sweet bond can be seen in their adorable sleeping and wake-up routine. When Everett is put down for a nap, Dodger always insists on being there, too — curling up on the floor near his crib, as if to guard and comfort him as he dozes.

He seemed preoccupied

And when Everett finally returns from dreamland, Dodger is there to greet him with a kiss. For Klorman and her husband, knowing that their young son already has a best friend in Dodger means the world to them. It’s obvious that all the sweet dog wants to do is provide comfort to the tiny baby. “We’re very happy they’re great together. In exchange for his vigilance as a guard dog, Dodger is rewarded with far more baby snacks than we would ever allow. But our floors stay clean!” And as Everett continues to grow, there’s no doubt that the good thing he and his pup share will too. Watch the video, this is a truly heartwarming moment!

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