Furious Rhino Charges And Flips Car With The Zookeeper Inside

Rhinoceros charges the zookeeper’s car (video)

Being a zookeeper can be a fulfilling occupation for animal lovers. But dealing with wildlife, even with decades of proper training, can still lead to life-or-death situations, as it did for one German zookeeper when a male rhinoceros charged and flipped her vehicle. The extra-terrifying part? The zookeeper was still in the vehicle. In the footage, taken by one of 12 guests who witnessed the charge in a nearby safari Jeep, the rhino can be seen tossing around and battering the car, which is painted in black and white zebra stripes.

The rhino in the video is a 30-year-old male named Kusini and arrived at the Hodenhagen park 18 months ago as part of a breeding program. It’s unclear what got the animal so enraged, but he’s still acclimating to his new home at the park. “Normally, this rhino bull is only let out when there are no visitors in the park. He’s only been with us for a year, should slowly get used to the herd,” said the park manager. Looking at the torn-up car in the video, it’s difficult to imagine anyone stuck inside surviving such a volatile attack. 

The car looked like a toy for this huge animal

The identity of the zookeeper inside the car has not been released, but Serengeti Park manager Fabrizio Sepe told that that the driver escaped with minor injuries and was even ready to report back to work. “She is very experienced, with us for 25 years. She has a concussion and bruises, but wants to work next week again,” he said. Watch the video, the German zookeeper was lucky to walk away with only a few bruises after this frightening attack.

These animals have a good sense of smell and hearing, but they have very poor eyesight which may explain sudden charges or attacks like the one that occurred at the park.

Source: fr.news-front.info

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