After 4 Years, He Travels Eight Hours To Reunite With Stolen Dog – Heartwarming Reunion

Heartwarming reunion (Video)

Four years ago, Jack went missing from his yard in Ontario, Canada. His owner looked everywhere for him, but the 4-year-old dog was nowhere to be found. His dad was absolutely devastated that he had lost his best friend. “I did posts on social media, put up flyers, talked to people around the community and walked around the bushes and highway looking for signs,” said Mike Plas, Jack’s owner. Mike tried everything he could think of to find Jack and bring him home, but it seemed that Jack had disappeared for good — but Mike never gave up hope that he might see his best friend again someday. 

“I always had a feeling he was somewhere,” Mike said. Last week, Mike was at work when he got the call he thought would never come: Jack had been found. Somehow, Jack had ended up all the way in Winnipeg, an eight-hour drive from where he’d gone missing. He was found wandering along the same road as the Centennial Animal Hospital, and someone picked him up and brought him there so he’d be safe. As soon as he was brought in, the staff at the hospital scanned him for a microchip, and immediately called his dad to let him know they had his dog. Mike couldn’t believe that after four long years, he was finally going to see his furry best friend again. “I was crying tears of joy hearing that they have him at an animal hospital, alive and healthy,” Mike said. 

He was so overjoyed to see his friend again

That night after work, Mike and his girlfriend started the long drive to Winnipeg, stopping overnight to rest and arriving at the Centennial Animal Hospital the next day. After hearing his story, everyone there was so excited to be able to help reunite Mike with Jack — and the moment they were together again, it was like no time had passed at all. “They brought him out and [I] instantly felt like my life was back to normal,” said Mike. As soon as Jack saw his dad again, he couldn’t contain his excitement. He was crying, jumping and rolling all over his best friend, whom he’d missed so much. “I got a big piece of my life back that I never healed from, he is more than a pet to me. He’s more like a brother.” said Mike. Watch the video, he was so overjoyed to finally be back in his dad’s arms again.

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